Ang Tshering Sherpa’s afternoon remark on Aruga project of Internationally Recognizing 8000m Peaks at UIAA General Assembly in Pontresina, Switzerland


Ang Tshering Sherpa’s afternoon remark on Aruga project of Internationally Recognizing 8000m Peaks – photos:


Mr. Chairman,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Very Good Afternoon.
I, on behalf of Nepalese delegation would like to appreciate this esteem UIAA, especially Mr. Pierre Humblet, former UIAA President and President of Mountaineering Commission and Mr. Pier Giorgio, Honorary Treasurer of UIAA for their generous initiation of Aruga Project of 8000m to internationally recognize the new additional 8000m peaks.
There are only 14 mountains that are above 8000m. However as we all know, a mountain massif is very big and can have more than one peak that is higher than 8000m. As you know, many climbers attempt to climb these “side peaks”: by using completely different and separate routes. These expeditions only focus to climb the side peak and not the main peak. These expeditions and expert mountaineers already recognize these peaks with its own identity and as a separate challenge from the main peak.
As mountaineers and mountain lovers, we all love that climbers are doing new adventures, making new routes and accomplishing new achievements. It is also our duty to make mountaineering exciting for the next generation and make them feel that they are able to also achieve new successes. Recognizing new peaks will also mean that a larger number of expeditions will be going to our mountains for climbing.
However, if someone wants to climb all the 14 highest mountains, they must climb the main peaks of each mountain and not the newly identified side peaks. So, the Aruga project is not trying to identify new mountains, but they are trying to recognize internationally that there are other prominent peaks on 8000m mountains that deserve to have a unique identification. I think by having this other peak recognized as 8000m peaks will be very beneficial to us Himalayan Host Countries and this is great for the next generation of mountaineers.
Nepalese delegates and China Mountaineering Association delegates warmly welcome and support UIAA’s initiation to materialization of this Aruga project of 8000m to recognize internationally the new and additional 8000m peaks. Also we consulted Indian and Pakistan delegates and they are very positive but need some more time. I request all federation members to support and recognize internationally in the next UIAA General Assembly.
Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen.
Ang Tshering Sherpa
Honorary member of UIAA (World Mountaineering and Climbing Federation)
IP President of UAAA (Asian Mountaineering and Climbing Federation) and Nepal Mountaineering Association

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